
Welcome to International Wellbeing Insight's pre-workshop survey!
This is a brief, anonymous survey to gauge your current wellbeing and stress levels. Your honest feedback will help us tailor the upcoming workshop to better address your needs.
 A follow-up survey will be conducted after the workshop to measure its impact.
Thank you for your participation!

Please rate your agreement with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I feel able to successfully balance work and personal life. 
I feel comfortable talking about mental health at work. 
Wellbeing is embedded as an important aspect of our workplace culture. 
I feel valued at work. 
I feel supported by my organisation in terms of my wellbeing. 
I feel confident in knowing how to deal with stress
I know where to go in my organisation when I need mental health support.  
I feel confident in my current ability to manage stress effectively
Rate the following questions on a scale of 1 to 10:
How stressed do you feel in your current role? (1 being not stressed at all, 10 being very stressed)
How much does your workload contribute to your stress levels? (1 being not at all , 10 being a lot)
How often do you feel overwhelmed by your job responsibilities? (1 being never, 10 being very often)
How does stress impact your job performance? (1 being never, 10 being a lot)
How does stress impact your mental and emotional well-being? (1 being never. 10 being a lot)
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